Legalize Positivity Comic

Legalize Positivity is a brief comics history about the  injustice of HIV criminalization in the U.S with Clio Sady for Visual Aids! This commission aims to continue this legacy of using comics to bring attention to the AIDS pandemic and to work against stigma by sharing peoples experiences and information visually.

We started working on this project in support of folks who have experienced  HIV criminalization long before the current Covid-19 pandemic and unprecedented police and criminal justice accountability uprisings of early 2020, but looking at it now, I think the core issues are more relevant then ever.

Please check it out and  learn more about HIV criminalization and the activists working to dismantle it in the United States, visit the Sero Project and The Center for HIV Law & Policy. For a global perspective, visit the HIV Justice Network and HIV Justice Worldwide

Read the full comic here!

Legalize Positivity Podcast

HIV criminalization activist Robert Suttle speaks with Inés Ixierda and Clio Sady about their comic “Legalize Positivity.” Together, they discuss how HIV criminalization codifies stigma, the origins of the prison-industrial complex, and how prisons perpetuate harm.

Podcast available at

Transcript available at