Inés Ixierda is a queer disabled half Bolivian interdisciplinary visual artist and media maker creating subversive graphic narratives, anarchafeminist propaganda, and casting decolonial protection spells in Oakland, CA, unceded Ohlone land.
Her work has shown at Oakland Musuem of California, SomaArts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the National Queer Arts Festival, Sanchez Contemporary, and Virago Gallery.
Inés has been an arts educator and cultural worker for nearly two decades, organizing with creative collectives including Art as Resistance, Queer Magic Makers, DIY MFA, Corazones Diasporicos and CNTRL/SHFT. She is the creative director at Sogorea Te’ Land Trust and a member of Real Time and Space.
All Inquiries: inesixierda (at) gmail (dot) com